Cartas de amor
Texto sobre postais e edições afins enquanto projecto artístico. Cartas de amor é o título de um projecto artístico iniciado há 10 anos, mas ainda em desenvolvimento, que implica a produção e o envio de postais a um largo número de pessoas.
Texto completo:
“The basic definition of an artist postcard is: double-sided Picture postcard designed as an artwork in its own right, published in average size and reasonable numbers, the reverse with insignia for placement of the stamp and divided between message and address.” (Cooper, 2012, pág. 119)
“One of the pleasures of artists’ work with postcards is that, being made of non-precious material, they invite handling, ask to be included in our lives, picked up and turned over (…).” (COOPER, 2019, pág. 7)
“contrairement au livre, la carte postale n’est pas un objet fermé : aguicheuse, toujours au balcon, douée d’une efficacité poétique immédiate, elle s’offre sans voile au regard de tous (…).” in, (consultado em 13/04/2021)
“I would like to encourage this: the creation of opportunities for people to get that wonderful moment of not understanding.” (Phillpot, 2013, pág. 15)
“As an opportunity to express a poetic idea, each postcard is considered as seriously as a book, a sculpture or gallery installation.” (COOPER, 2019, pág. 7)
“Every Postcard describes a World; and every postcard bought or sent appears to promise a friendly gesture – the desire to share a moment’s closeness with its recipiente”. (Bracewell, 2011, Pág. 7)
“relève d’une temporalité complexe (...)” (BOIVENT, 2018, pág. 17)
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Direitos autorais 2023 Isabel Baraona